Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Walking on Sunshine

Aside from the proximity to family and the free rent (thanks, Dad!), the absolute best part about living here is how close we are to the beach. For months I didn't embrace it as much as I should have, but after spending the past week walking along the beach on a daily basis, I'm a changed woman.

In addition to kite-surfing, paddle surfing, and a variety of cool shells, one of the best things I've seen so far was a flock of about 100 seagulls - most of them being babies. They looked like they were playing a game of "chicken" with the waves and would feverishly run and/or fly whenever a wave got too close. I loved watching them. In fact, there's something new to see every day. Even better? The hotties who walk their dogs every day. See, even more reason to get that mini dog - it'd be a boy magnet! ;)

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