Sunday, March 6, 2011

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

I started off the weekend by driving down south for my nephew, Owen's, first t-ball game. The league was technically supposed to start last week, but the game had been postponed due to rain.

Here's the little slugger up to bat. Three base hits! I think he takes after his dad when it comes to the sport. Please note that his dad was also number 4.

Hanging with the kids after the game being Auntie the human jungle gym.

Since when did the uniforms get so fancy? When I was a child, we had to recycle the same shoddy uniforms over and over. Nowadays it's all customized.

Ava Lou going for a ride.

Speaking of fancy things, this is O's team sign on the dugout. Um...what happened to good old fashioned paint and poster board? Why must this look like it was designed by a marketing team?

One of my fave parts of the day? Seeing this sign at lunch. At first glance, I thought the Tiger's Blood was a new, updated flavor to keep up with current events.

At second glance, however, it would appear that it's been here already. So, just in case you were wondering which came first, the Tiger's Blood or the Sheen? The answer is...the Tiger's Blood. Winning.

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