Saturday, March 26, 2011

Santa Monica Fun

My good friend Katrina is huge on birthdays and loves to celebrate her special day in a big way. Tonight she had a group of friends from all over California meet in Santa Monica for dinner and drinks.

Julie (on the left) also has a birthday this week, so it was a double celebration. Karrina's on the far right.

The restaurant we ate at had s'mores for dessert - you even cooked them in a little fire. How cool is that?

A few more of the girls - we all went to high school together, so it was dun to see everyone.

I'm surrounded by Julies! I think that's called a Julie sandwich?

The group after dinner on the way to drinks. I'm afraid I couldn't stay much longer due to my Duran Duran cold (apparently Duran Duran fever can turn into an actual cold). Regardless, it was great to see the girls.

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