Saturday, March 26, 2011

Rock -n- Roll Tattoo

As promised, I thought we'd take a closer look at the process behind my latest tattoo, which could also be called, "I Love You, Nick Rhodes."

In review, this is his signature on my leg.

This is the lovely Nick Rhodes himself. Oh, wait. Have I showed you this before?

How about this one? Have you seen this picture before? Oh, you have? Moving on.

Here I am getting his signature permanently put onto my body. As you can see, it wasn't painful at all.

I like how you can see my DD (for Duran Duran) tattoo in the background.

Happily proving my love to Nick.

Hard at work - he actually did it pretty quickly, since it was already on my leg.

The beautiful finished result!

Posing like a champ.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! that's really cool! Looks awesome on you :) I WANT ONE!!
