Thursday, March 10, 2011

Reunited and It Feels So Good

There are certain people in your life that you meet and instantly know you were destined to be friends. It's this special spark, connection, that's between you and no matter how much time distance goes by, you know you'll always be friends.

When I was living in Italy ten years ago, I happened to be visiting Rome for a weekend and met Jesus in our co-ed hostel. We were instant BFFs and spent an amazing night in Rome, going on pub crawls and experiencing the city.

We had the best time, but he lives in Philadelphia, so I've only seen him one time since we met, but that was a good seven or eight years ago. As life happens, we've kept in touch over holiday cards and such, but otherwise he had no idea I was here.

That is, until now. Yesterday Jesus and I reunited on a sidewalk in Hollywood. He was visiting this ballet class with a friend while I was waiting for my friend at the gym next door. It was the coolest thing - just like a scene in a movie. I'm so excited to see him again! He's only in town until Saturday, so I'm looking forward to spending some quality time with my long lost Rome BFF. :)

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