Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Pinky's Fandance - Scott Wolf (aka My Unicorn)

Ladies and gentlemen, today was a VERY big day in that I finally got a picture with Scott Wolf - otherwise known as "my unicorn." You see, for years Scott has eluded me at Sundance - everyone I know seems to have a picture with him, whereas I'd never even laid eyes on him. He and his wife even lived in Utah - you know, where I lived for nine years - and, still, nothing.

The final insult to injury? My dear friend Heidels got a picture with Scott this year at Sundance only mere moments after we'd parted ways. When she texted and told me, I'm pretty sure my exact response was, "Damnit! My unicorn!"

Luckily, Scott did an interview at The Grove today (watch for me in the background on Extra - not sure when it airs. Maybe tomorrow?) and I finally had the chance to meet the one and only Bailey Sallinger (that's a Party of Five reference for those of you who somehow missed the amazement of that show). Hooray!

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