Sunday, March 6, 2011

Pinky's Fandance Redux - Sam Trammell

It's no secret that my love for Sam Trammell is deep and true. Hell, even Sam knows it. I was SO excited to see him tonight, as I hadn't seen him for months and months. I'm not even exaggerating here - it's been a good five months. I was having minor withdrawals.

Here Sam is on the red carpet looking all kinds of fine. Yes, that's right - he's definitely winning.

Our first photo attempt: FAIL. Why am I stretching my neck like an ostrich? Please note he's holding in his hand a card from none other than Pinky Lovejoy. Winning.

Our second photo attempt: FAIL. While I truly appreciate him taking the picture himself, the positioning was just awkward. Of course I tried for a third (because, well, it's Sam, and apparently I'm unable to refrain from taking pictures with him), but unfortunately he had to go and, therefore, picture disaster remains intact. Sigh. I know I should focus on all our other great pics, but sometimes it's hard. Also of note - the total chaos and pandemonium behind me.

This is a picture I snapped of Sam interacting with the audience, signing autographs, and being his usual totes adorbs self. *Swoon*

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I'm a big fan of the second one down. looks liek you two are in a washing machine on teh spin cycle.