Monday, March 21, 2011

An Open Letter to the Brand New Upstairs Neighbors

Dear (I'm using that term with reckless abandon) New Neighbors, You've been inhabiting the apartment upstairs for approximately three days and I must admit: I instantly hate you. Your loud walking, chattering, and incessant noise just makes me want to punch you in the face.

Hey, I get it - you just moved in and need to unpack. I understand. But when does unpacking make it OK to hammer nails into the wall at one in the morning? Oh, that's right - never.

Soon I fear I'm going to become the crotchety old lady whose only joy in life is to constantly bang the ceiling with her broom. Perhaps we've been spoiled with the military types who rarely inhabit their living quarters, which is why all this noise is so off-putting. Perhaps. All I know is that if this high noise level continues, I'll be forced to permanently wear ear plugs and throw you mean looks through the ceiling. Keep it down up there, Pinky Lovejoy

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