Friday, March 25, 2011

Nick Rhodes Made My Day

Before the arrival of the highly anticipated Duran Duran week, as you might recall I had a few goals in mind regarding my TLF Nick Rhodes (in no particular order): 1) Get him to sign my leg next to my DD tattoo, which could then be tattooed 2) Get another super cute photo opp with him 3) Get him to sign our last super cute pic 4) Be able to give him the care package I made him So, how did I do? Let's recap with a photo montage:

Here's Nick being awesome to fans.

Here's Nick being awesome to me. Please note I'm wearing my new DD shirt. Brills.

Here's Nick holding my care package after signing our picture together.

Here's Nick deciding how he'd most like to propose (Oh, crap, did I write that out loud? I meant to use my inside secret hopes and wishes voice. Fail.)

Here's Nick signing our picture.

Here's Nick signing my leg (blurry and hard to see, I know).

Here's what he wrote on my leg - please note that the dot over the "i" magically turned into a heart. Coincidence? I think not.

Here's me on my "Nick Rhodes high" after achieving all my goals and holding the awesome signed picture. Of special note, when I told Nick I made him a hat, he said, "I could use a hat about now" and when I told him about the travel Scrabble (so much for the surprise) he said, "I love Scrabble." Um, yeah. I know. Hence the gift, sweetie. ;) As for the tattoo: done and done, but we'll discuss that more later. ;) Thank you, Nick Rhodes, for being completely and totally worthy of my 25+ years long crush. I will now attempt to sleep with a big, huge permanent grin on my face.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing, Girl. Love it. Do you remember when he used to dot his "i" with two slashes instead of a dot? I adopted that and continued it for YEARS.
