Monday, March 21, 2011

Nick & Pinky Sitting in a Tree...

It's here! It's here! Duran Duran week has finally arrived - and so have the boys themselves. Don't think it's not killing me to know they're SO close...and yet so far, as I have no idea how to find them outside of their shows and scheduled appearances. Fail.

I decided to make a tribute to the man himself, Nick Rhodes, and was all settled on a shirt but...changed my mind. Don't get me wrong - I'd rock that shirt all day long, but isn't the point to also look cute? In no way will I look cute in that shirt. So, I compromised on this awesome tote bag. Don't be jealous of my mad bedazzling skills. I'm thinking of marketing them to Duranies the world over. I'd be rich!

Yesterday I was thinking about how I'd stay up late nights when I was about ten or eleven having sleep-overs with a fellow Duranie. We'd make up these elaborate stories about how Nick or John would whisk us away and we'd live happily ever after...well, I can't remember exactly how the stories went. I'm sure they were much more exciting than that. The point is this: My love for Nick Rhodes may have even superseded my love for Ricky Schroder, which means big trouble for my ability to speak or function properly in his midst. Oh, and as a side note, in this picture Nick could be a grown up version of Chord Overstreet, no? Is that where my Chord love stems from? I wouldn't be surprised....

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