Thursday, March 17, 2011

Judd Nelson Rules

While you might remember that my Judd Nelson picture at Sundance was my most exciting picture of the entire Festival this year, what I haven't told you is that I was lucky enough to see him again the other night in LA. Two times this year? I'm the luckiest girl ever!

Before we move on to that, let's once again gaze upon our initial picture. Sigh. So cute.

Here's our picture from the other night - as always, he's a hunk-a hunk-a burnin' love. I was actually able to speak to him for longer than a minute and pitch my movie idea to him (which was also inspired by him - but we can discuss all this later, as it's in the very beginning stages). While he very well could've laughed in my face and told me to buzz off, instead he took my card and said he'd email me (!). Now, even if that doesn't happen, the important thing to remember was that I was able to somewhat speak and even said the following phrase, "I'm a first-time filmmaker." !!!!!!!!! Seriously, I'm dying. Coolest thing ever.

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