Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Duran Duran on The Tonight Show

Yesterday I had the amazing experience of seeing my beloved Duran Duran (or, as the lady in front of me in line pronounced it dur-un dur-un) perform on The Tonight Show.

My friend Mikey has a friend who works there and she was able to get me "on the list" (yes, this means I'm very fancy, in case you were wondering). Thanks, Mikey!

It was SO cool to be there to see the show taped and all that goes into a single production. Plus, all the Duranies in the audience would NOT stop screaming - as if we magically transformed into 12-year-old girls at the sight of the still rocking band. We can't help ourselves - it's DD!

The funniest part of the day was realizing that the featured guest on the show - other than DD - was the one and only Bradley Cooper! Um, how did I miss that? I'm so blinded by my DD love that nothing else seems to matter. Sigh.

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