Sunday, March 13, 2011

Customer Service On Crack

For as long as I can remember, I've hated going to the bank. It always just seems like such a hassle - waiting in lines, talking to a teller, the stupid crowds. Thankfully, ATMs have almost eliminated the need for an actual branch visit, but once in awhile it's a necessary evil.

When it's laundry time and quarters are needed, I have to summon my energy to make it to the stupid bank. My ideal visit would be walking in, getting my money with minimal interactions, and then I can leave. Unfortunately, my branch is currently competing for the Most Annoying Bank award and it's like they're on customer service crack. Yesterday I was greeted at the door and asked if they could start my transaction - despite there being no one else inside and all the tellers were open. Then, my teller had to make small talk with me from inside a glass box and I couldn't hear what he said. Finally, after receiving my measly quarters, I was bid adieu by not one, not two, but three people on the way out and THEN the manager called me to make sure my visit was OK. I told him it was WAY too much. I understand wanting to help, but there is such a thing as going overboard. Blech.

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