Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Can I Just Sense Him Now?

You know you're getting out of control with one of your faves if you can see the back of his head leaving a movie theater over a block away and still catch up to him. And by him, of course, I'm referring to the one and only Sam Trammell. Seriously, due to the distance, level of difficulty, and the fact that it was dark outside, this might've been my greatest "spot" to date.

I did, however, know he was at the movie premiere, as a fellow celebrity enthusiast showed me her picture with him on his way into the event. She actually didn't know of my crush, because she calmly listed Sam as one of the celebs she saw on their way in, and of course I was like, "Sam? Sam's here?" Wahoo!

Even better? He was with his adorable long-time girlfriend, Missy Yager, who, as we've previously discussed, is preggers with twins! I was excited to see her again because I wanted to congratulate the happy parents-to-be. What a fun surprise!

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