Friday, February 25, 2011

Third Time's A Charm!!!

Unlike some other celebrities who totally struck out on the third picture re-take (I'm looking at you, Jonah Hill), Jon Hamm knocked it out of the park.

As we all know, I triple love all things Mad Men related and Don Draper, er, Jon Hamm, specifically. The fact that our first picture together was this tragedy broke my heart.

Next we have my "Jon is hammed" picture where he looks three sheets to the wind. Again, fail.

Luckily, he showed up as a surprise guest at an event last night and I asked him for another picture because he's far too good looking not to be looking great in our pic. As always, he was so sweet and humble, acting all flattered and cute - which is exactly what makes him even sexier.

I think I like it in black and white the most. Swoon.

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