Sunday, February 27, 2011

Stupid Wind

The wind not only froze us to our cores, but messed up some prime photo opportunities. Here are some examples of the windblown effect:

BAD WIND: Jason Ritter is one of my faves and of course we took a do-over (although, really, I must have at least 15 pictures with him now), but why did my hair have to blow right in my face?!? FAIL.

GOOD WIND: On the flip side, I kinda dig the windblown effect working here with Dale Dickey. It must've been good luck, as well, since Dale went on to win Best Supporting Actress for her role on Winter's Bone.

MEH WIND: I suppose this picture with the ridiculously good looking Trevor Donovan isn't a total fail, but it's trying to be. Special note: When Trevor came over, he hugged me. Also hugging me yesterday? Jason Ritter and Thomas Ian Nicholas. *swoon.* WIN.

MISLEADING WIND: For some reason, the wind here is making my hair look like a train wreck - super frizzy and out of control instead of whimsical. FAIL.

CELEBRITIES ALWAYS HAVE BETTER LUCK WIND: Hopefully Heidi will forgive me for using this as an example, but she made the funniest comment about it on FB. To quote Heidi herself, "Great, the wind has a beautiful super model effect on her and I look ROUGH. (Please note that's rough in all capitals)."

BEST ACTION SHOT WIND: You can't get more windy than this picture appears - even my scarf is trying to fly away.

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