Sunday, February 13, 2011

Pinky's Fandance - Top Ten Edition

I've been wanting to do a Top Ten of my Hollywood TLFs for quite awhile, but just hadn't gotten around to it yet. What better day to pledge my undying love to them all than today??

1) Ricky Schroder - Because true love lasts a lifetime.

2) Nicolas Cage (sorry it's the only digital copy I have) - I'll always be his Valley Girl.

3) Benicio Del Toro - The only member of my Top Ten that I don't have a picture with. :(. Also the one I stopped breathing around when we met. Did I mention that my hair also caught on fire? Ahh, yes. Memories.

4) Matt Damon - Still the nicest celebrity I've ever met.

5) Ben Affleck - The only Top Ten member who's unable to pose for a decent picture. It's quite a tragedy.

6) Owen Wilson - The nose I love to love. I can't believe he procreated without me.

7) Luke Wilson - Come on, he's adorable.

8) Nick Rhodes - The only keyboardist who makes my heart pitter patter.

9) Bradley Cooper - Just look at him. Swoon.

10) Rounding out the list (and pushing David Spade off of it) is my beloved Sam Trammell. For being so new, he's quickly moving up the list to my heart. Watch out, Wilson brothers....Sam's on your tail. And some Honorable Mentions:

David Spade - We all know how I feel about this funny guy.

Matthew Morrison - I'm pretty sure from our picture we're a super hot couple. I'm just saying.

Hayden Christensen - Not many people would be quite this cool after being kinda followed. Nicest. Guy. Ever.

Mark Ruffalo - Simply put, he rules my world.

Zac Efron - Um, have you seen him? He's a world of yum.

Chris Pine - He had me at "sweetheart."

Gale Harold - Two words: Brian Kinney (his character on Queer as Folk). I rest my case.

David Beckham - It's Becks. Do you really have to ask?

Jason Ritter - Because ridiculously nice celebrities really turn me on.

Last but certainly not least, Patrick Dempsey - McDreamy himself. I can't even look at him without melting. And this concludes our List o' Love. I thought I had a Top Ten, but apparently it's a Top Twenty. I can't help it - the pink heart wants what the pink heart wants.

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