Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pinky's Fandance - Megan Mullally

As a longtime fan of Will & Grace, I've wanted to meet the hilarious Megan Mullally for years. When I saw she was scheduled to speak at Alec Baldwin's star ceremony, I jumped at the chance to go. Seriously, I wasn't sure who I was more excited to meet - Alec or Megan - since both have made me laugh for years.

I'd heard Megan was nice, but just how nice was unbelievable. She signed autographs and took pictures with anyone who asked while joking and talking the entire time. Oh, and have I mentioned how hilarious her speech was? She is SO funny! During the ceremony I also ended up meeting and joining forces with this fellow blogger, Lindsay, who writes the blog (such a great name for a blog! How did I not think of it??). If you get a chance, check it out.

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