Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pinky's Fandance - Margaret Cho

I first met Margaret Cho in 1991 after she performed in a comedy club in Provo, Utah. Despite causing some of the audience to leave after dropping the f-bomb, I thought she was SO funny. I talked to her after the show to tell her how funny I thought she was and she was super shy. Over the years I've watched her career blossom and have always regretted not getting a picture with her the first time we met.

That is, until now. I saw Margaret at a play opening the other night and she was SO nice. At first I didn't even believe it was her, since she wasn't on the list to appear, but sure enough, it was her. I loved seeing her again and the fact that she was so willing to sign autographs and pose with fans. Very cool.

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