Sunday, February 27, 2011

Pinky's Fandance - Joe Manganiello

By far, my favorite new picture addition yesterday was Joe Manganiello. For those of you who don't know, Joe is one of the newest cast members on my beloved True Blood and I've been dying to meet him.

Why was I dying to meet him, you ask? Um, just look at him. Hello. That is one amazingly fine looking man. He was also really cool - especially considering I was having camera challenges and had to take several pictures. I think Heidi might even have a couple more than are listed here. Don't judge. :)

While it's unfortunate I ended up looking like an Eskimo to stay warm, I love that we're posing on the beach and he was so great to everyone around. I even got his autograph in this new little book I have - but we'll definitely be talking about that further later. For now, I invite you to enjoy the beauty that is Joe.

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