Saturday, February 19, 2011

Nick Rhodes, I'm Right Here Waiting For You

In the past two days there've been two very exciting announcements from my beloved Duran Duran. First, they'll be the musical guest on The Tonight Show on March 22nd.

Second, they'll be performing at the music festival SXSW in March, as well.

With their recently released CD, they'll be coming to the US more and hopefully touring the US soon. I'm SO excited! Here are my goals: 1) Get another picture with Nick Rhodes (and if we happen to fall in love and get married in the process, so be it). 2) Get a picture with John Taylor (finally, since I already have Nick, Simon, and Roger). 3) Have Nick sign my leg next to my Duran Duran tattoo and then get that tattooed on my leg. Great goals, right? ;)

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