Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Live Ugh

Can we talk about the new Evian marketing campaign called Live Young? I saw these billboards and ads ALL over LA today and each one made me throw up a little in my mouth.

Look, I'm all about people wanting to live and feel younger, but must we really aim as far back as infancy?

The baby bodies in the pictures are wearing diapers. Is this what we're shooting for now? Pop stars walk around in eggs and we aspire to wear diapers on the outside?

Why are the models holding water bottles? I've yet to see a baby holding a water bottle. I mean, a bottle for milk? Yes. But an Evian water bottle? Hell no. And do the bodies have to match the person? I'd totally rock that middle shirt just to be ironic and obnoxious. Oh, wait. Me?

And since when do babies wear glasses and scarves? This is disturbing on so many levels. I'm definitely having nightmares. Guaranteed.

Oh, good. A burly biker guy with grey scrub to round out the collection? Yep. My eyes are bleeding. Kill me now.

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