Monday, February 28, 2011

Franco Takes Over The World

I took a picture of this billboard on Sunset for Heidi who loves James Franco like I love, well, all my boys - Trammell, Spade, well, you get the idea.

Coincidentally, James tweeted the exact same picture the same day I took mine. I wonder if we were driving and shooting pictures near each other?

An art show? What can't he do (besides host - oh, crap. Did I type that out loud? I think he was nervous....yeah, that must've been it). His resume includes actor, writer, artist, host...I wonder if he'll start valeting cars or waiting tables just to mix things up? All I know is this: James is VERY fan friendly and I appreciate it.

1 comment:

  1. He can also add bar owner to his resume, because apartenly he owns a bar too. And he can fly planes, He is just amazing and I love him.
    Wait, have I told you I loved him? ;)
