Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Fonzie FAIL

I'm pretty sure we've discussed my unexplainable fondness for Fonzie (aka Henry Winkler) as a child. Being a huge fan of Happy Days, I had a poster hanging on my wall that looked a lot like this picture. In fact, I'd be surprised if it wasn't this exact picture because it looks really familiar. Every night before bed, I'd be sure to kiss Fonzie goodnight. This, of course, was when I was about five years old. As I got older, the ritual changed to Ricky Schroder or Nick Rhodes and then actual boys from my school. I'm happy to report that I've grown out of this phase and no longer have to kiss a piece of paper on my wall before bedtime. Anyway, yesterday Henry Winkler was scheduled to be on a local talk show and I was beside myself thinking about finally getting to meet him. After the disaster that was The Price is Right experience, all I wanted to do was go home, but I powered through and wasted time in town until Henry was scheduled to appear. Unfortunately, due to the stupid Academy Awards, they've pretty much shut down the entire area surrounding the talk show and no one is allowed access. I somehow made it there anyway after a lot of finagling, only to be told that we couldn't stand and wait for the guests this week. Apparently my deep and abiding love of Henry Winkler wasn't enough to let me break the rules. Blurgh! Hopefully someday my dream of meeting The Fonz will come true. Until that day, I'll have my memories of our goodnight kisses....

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