Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Dreaded Day Approaches (Kill Me Now)

Every year on Valentine's Day I think that next year will be different and Prince Charming will have (finally!) appeared and whisked me away and we'll be living happily ever after in paradise never to be heard from again (so just in case I ever disappear, please know that I'm living in bliss on a remote deserted island with one of my celebrity crushes - Sam Trammell, Bradley Cooper, or David Spade specifically). In reality, I'll most likely be sitting on the couch watching Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune with my dad (not that there's anything wrong with that). After all the romantic comedies I've watched over the years, you'd think that at some point one of them - any of them - would come true. What gives? Am I destined to be a barren, lonely, crotchety old spinster for the rest of my days? Do I need to start getting some cats now, or does that come later? All I know is I'm going to be very happy when that Damn Day is done and over with and we can continue on with the rest of our lives. I hate you, February 14th. You suck.

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