Monday, February 28, 2011

Congratulations Oscar Winners!!!

While much has been said online already about the Oscar show last night (zzzzzzzz....), I wanted to be sure to send out my sincere congratulations to the winners.

Despite being predictable, I thought they were also the most deserving, so I'm totally OK with the predictability.

The amazing Colin Firth - always so gracious and kind. SO excited he won Best Actor!!

What? Like I wasn't going to post both of my pics?

Melissa Leo was incredible in The Fighter. She's also one of the coolest around.

At the Spirit Awards, she did autographs and pics with so many people - love her. Congrats on Best Supporting Actress!

Christian Bale was enigmatic in The Fighter and was the hands down winner for Best Supporting Actor. His acceptance speech made me love him even more.

Tom Hooper won Best Director for The King's Speech. Nicely done.

This is Gareth Unwin who is holding the Oscar for Best Picture for The King's Speech. Cheers! Special note: No Natalie, only because she's extremely difficult to fans - never comes over for pics or autographs. She's notorious in the collector world for being mean. I haven't seen Black Swan, but I understand she was great, so congrats to her, as well.

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