Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Celebrity Pop Quiz - Who's a Douche?

Here's a question for you - of the two celebrities below, both of whom star on a little show called 30 Rock, who do you think would be nice and who do you think would be a douchebag?

Based on looks alone, before today my money would've been on Jack McBrayer being the nice one and Alec Baldwin being the douche.

But, surprise surprise, I was wrong. Jack McBrayer is a total douchebag who couldn't be bothered to sign for or pose with fans, despite constant pleading. Every other celebrity at Alec Baldwin's star ceremony - who were much, much bigger celebrities than Jack - were extremely fan friendly. Jack McBrayer? Not so much.

Thank you, Alec Baldwin, for being awesome. I was so excited to get a picture with you - and so happy you were nice! Jack McBrayer, shame on you. While I'll agree you're funny on the show, it's unfortunate to see you're too big for your britches. With an attitude like yours, you'll (hopefully) never get your own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

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