Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Brave Little Boy

Yesterday McFamily received some terrible news - they'd taken little McI in for some tests and found a cancerous brain tumor in the head of this beautiful 13-month-old child.

Not wanting to waste any time, McI went into all-day brain surgery today and they think they got it all out (fingers crossed). Initially, they thought the tumor was in the brain stem, but as they operated they saw it wasn't.

I ended up staying in town longer to help out with McP while McFamily was at the hospital. As the surgery was a success, I'll be leaving first thing in the morning.

I'm so glad the surgery went well. It's a long road ahead for this brave little boy, but he's a fighter and has an entire army of people who love and support him. I'm glad I was still here and could do something to help.

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