Saturday, February 26, 2011

All-Star Weekend + Rain = FAIL

As this is my first Oscar weekend since moving to LA, I feel a bit overwhelmed/excited/bewildered by the sheer amount of activities going on. In the past few days alone I've seen Tom Hanks, Steve Martin, and Barbra Streisand in person for the very first time. No pictures, sadly, but it was still really cool to see them. I also saw Gerard Butler, Halle Berry, Anne Hathaway, Adrien Brody, and Kristin Davis. Fun stuff.

Unfortunately, another visitor is in town - and it's a whole lotta rain. Ugh. What would have been a magical party tonight turned into a disaster, as the rain didn't really provide an environment very conducive to pictures. I did get a few pics, like this one with Bradley Whitford, but I used it so you could see just how much rain was falling. He's soaked! I'm a drowned rat! Ah, well. It was an adventure, right? Tomorrow is a big day with the Independent Spirit Awards...let's hope the rain doesn't hang around too long. Fingers crossed.

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