Friday, January 7, 2011

Pinky Lovejoy - Celebrity Bodyguard Extraordinaire

How many of us grew up with The Facts of Life? Mrs. Garrett was a housemother to us all and having the chance to meet her in person was a dream come true. Even better? Somehow ending up as her bodyguard of sorts as we finagled our way through the bustling crowd.

Picture this: The opening night of a play complete with a red carpet, throngs of people, a packed sidewalk, a myriad of collectors, and the time to curtain growing rapidly close. In the midst of this chaos, I see Charlotte Rae (aka Mrs. Garrett) get out of a car and stand on the street. Bless her heart, she was teeny tiny and the cutest thing you've ever seen. I asked if I could help her up to the curb, and she took my arm and asked me to help get her inside. It was a bit of a challenge to wrangle our way through the crowd while keeping people away and keep her safe, but we finally made it. Once inside, Mikey came up and Charlotte asked if he was with me, which he was. She was so sweet - she signed Mikey's Facts of Life lunchbox and then took pictures with us both. We were the only ones lucky enough to get some time with her and she was so sweet and cute. Love her!

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