Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Pinky's Fandance - Patricia Heaton

I've loved watching Patricia Heaton perform on Everybody Loves Raymond and now on the hysterical sitcom The Middle. She's funny, engaging, relatable, and endearing and on Twitter she's just like she appears on-screen. I enjoy reading her tweets because she's open and warm and just seems like a friend.

Yesterday I went to see her on a talk show and decided to tweet her when I arrived to let her know a few of us were there and to see if maybe we could get a pic? To my delight, she tweeted back to me with this:

What! What! Instant besties! When she arrived, she ran right over, even though she was in a hurry, and took pics with everyone there. I told her I'd tweeted her (as I hadn't read her reply at that point) and she said she knew (with a big smile on her face). When I got home, I sent her a tweet to thank her for the pic and said it was nice to meet her. This morning, to my surprise, she tweeted me again with this:

How cool is she?!?! My adoration and love for her just grew exponentially. Thanks, Patricia! You rule!

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