Saturday, January 1, 2011

Pinky's Fandance - Fave Pic of the Year

As I didn't really do any typical "end of the year wrap up type stuff," I thought I'd try to select my favorite celeb pic of the year. I was going to do a Top Ten, but there were too many choices, so I selected my fave one based on several different factors. The winner? My beloved Bradley Cooper.

Here's what makes this picture unique from the hundreds of others I was lucky enough to get this year: 1) I had no idea Bradley Cooper was at Sundance, so his arriving in front of us was a little bit like a miracle. He appeared out of nowhere and was like a dream come true. 2) Not only was he even hotter than you'd imagine him to be, he was super nice to everyone and made you feel like his BFF. 3) My camera decided to take a nosedive two seconds before this was taken and I wasn't sure if this picture even came out. Imagine my surprise to see it turned out better than most pictures - LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

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