Tuesday, January 4, 2011

An Open Letter to Panda Express

Yo, idiots - Notice the lack of respect for you in my greeting. That's because I find your policies inane and ridiculous. The other day I tried to order a small to go item - half rice, half chow mein - and was told that this was against your "policy" (despite the fact that I've ordered this exact item a myriad of times in the past without any problem at all). I don't understand the logic behind this. Do the items not fit? Are they different prices? When I order it this way in the two item combo it's fine - why the discrimination for the to go order?

Your food is OK, but the poor attitudes of your staff, your laughable policies, and the over-priced extra charge for the honey walnut shrimp makes me never want to return to your establishment. Sincerely your ex-customer, Pinky Lovejoy

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