Thursday, January 27, 2011

Most Disappointing Celebrity

While it's true there've been quite a few nice celebs at Sundance this year (James Franco, Esai Morales, and Andie MacDowell to name a few), there've also been a slew of rude celebs who don't appreciate their fans (Tobey Douche Maguire, Paul Rudd, and Zooey Deschanel are a few that come to mind).

Now, Tobey, Paul, and Zooey have bad reps to begin with, so, while it was disappointing for them to be rude, it wasn't unexpected. What was surprising? I won't name her by name, but it rhymes with Shmera Marmiga. Who knew she wasn't nice? I gave her a pass the other day when she shot me down because there was a weird security going on and she might have been trying to work with them. Today, however, she not only turned me down and pulled a Tobey, but her stupid rep actually knocked my camera out of my hand. SO NOT COOL. Dis-like!

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