Saturday, December 4, 2010

Why I Love Sundance

This week rendered the long-awaited announcement of the Official Festival Selections of films for the 2011 Sundance Film Festival. As a bonafide Sundance-a-file (I'm almost certain this term actually exists) I was counting down the days until the selections were made. I read all the articles which contemplated and anticipated which movies would be chosen and eagerly awaited the results. In previous years, I worked part-time on the film catalog and therefore knew all the inside scoop, so waiting this long kills me.

For those who've never experienced the joy and wonder that is Sundance, there's really nothing like it. I realize on the surface my love may be wholly attributed to the celebrity factor and I'll admit it's a part of it. But to be honest, I already have most of the celebrities going this year and to go all the way to Utah for a photo op when I live near LA is a bit absurd. That's not at the heart of my love affair.

The reason I love Sundance is for the energy in the air, the creativity which abounds, and the frenetic, intoxicating pace at every step. I try to see as many films as I can (sometimes up to 25) because the way they're shown at Sundance is in their truest form. Once the film gets sold (if it even gets sold), the final version is at the discretion of the studios and they can really chop stuff up. When you see a film at Sundance, you're viewing it with a willing, excited, anxious audience who laughs, cries, and really feels the piece. You're unified with those people as you screen something together and you share this bond I can't put into words. Even if you hate the movie - and, trust me, I've disliked a lot of films - you can appreciate the acting, or the story behind it, or the passion the filmmaker has for the project. With each Q&A you learn something new and varied and the opportunity to see these world premieres is incredible. Even better? The debates and opinions on which films were good or bad. So many opinions! I love it.

When I started at the Festival, I didn't know anything other than my dream had been to someday work for the Sundance Film Festival, and I did everything I could to make that happen. Along the way I've met amazing, life-long friends, had insane experiences, and a lot of fun. By the end of each Festival I'm exhausted, starving, worn down, and freezing, but I leave with a smile on my face already planning to return the next year. This will be my tenth festival and it's become my favorite thing in the entire world - it's my Christmas, New Year's, 4th of July...well, you get the idea. I love the talent, the creativity, the passion, and the love. Equally put together it's a magical combination that to me means joy.

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