Friday, December 3, 2010

Three Cheers for Diane!!!

When I was working on that film a few months back, as a special treat we had this AMAZING salad for dinner one night. Now, I love a good salad, but this one blew my mind and I've been wanting to go back to Pasadena ever since to get one to go so my dad could try it (OK, and maybe to have it again, as well).

It's called "The Diane Salad" and apparently it's famous in its own right (with good reason!). The salad is made with white chicken, crisp Asian noodles, toasted almonds, sesame seeds and lettuce. This salad is light and healthy and served with a side of delicious zucchini bread to boot. In case you needed further proof of its goodness, my dad said it was so incredible he wanted to give it out as a holiday gift. No joke! If you find yourself in Pasadena, treat yourself to this salad at The Green Street cafe. You'll thank me later.

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