Aside from this first picture of the always adorable McP modeling the fine hat I sent her, the rest of these items were found as I trolled the internet in my neverending state of insomnia. Apparently in the heart of Twitter and Facebook, people post very odd things in the wee hours of the morning. Because I'm so nice, I've saved a few of my faves for you.

First, though, let's take a look out how cute McP is getting as she turns into a 16-year-old Princess. Apparently she tried to call me on a pretend phone the other day as the family left for McB's birthday breakfast (
Happy Birthday, McB, but I know you no longer read my blog...hence, no shout out), and then told McH that I wouldn't be joining them for breakfast because I was sleeping. Damn. Who knew she knew me quite that well? I thought we were close, but sheesh. She's got me pegged.

Next up - a picture of Bianca Kajlich's dog all dressed up in her Christmas clothes. It made me laugh.

Ralph Macchio posted this as his Christmas card, but I'm not sure if he actually sent it out. Funny, though!

I can't remember who posted this one, but I liked it - especially the mom covering up her child's eyes. Classic!

Ah, yet another tribute from my TLF boy band, Duran Duran. You better believe it's going to be a Happy D-year! :)

Someone posted this as a joke and said they got it for everyone for Christmas. Um, no thanks. That book cover is creepy, yo. Now, I love me some Whoopi, but come on. I don't want to see anyone sitting on a toilet. Ever.
Finally, another gift from one of my Twitter friends to everyone on their list. I'll bet those cats can jam.
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