Thursday, December 9, 2010

Things That Make Me Ugh

So, I was going to call this Things I Hate, but I'm trying to be positive today and will therefore only say...UGH. Or blech. Whatever you prefer. 1) I'm ridiculously tired. Like, I've never been this tired in my life. When I do sleep, it's that I-feel-awake-while-sleeping type of sleep which sucks, so I never feel rested. Ever since that stupid night in my hometown (where I lost a good eight hours of my life I'll never get back), I can't seem to get feeling better. WTF.
2) I got pulled over last night for being on my phone. Gah! The siren scared the crap out of me - I'm fairly certain I jumped out of my seat. Luckily I talked my way out of a ticket and into a this is a bad news/good news post. Thank you, officer, for giving me a much needed break. I will never break the law again...especially whilst driving past a police office. Duh! 3) If I see those Old Navy models on TV one more time (which is guaranteed to happen, since they're on every two seconds), I'm going to scream. Who created these monstrosities? They're the WORST!! Someone needs to be fired. The real question, of course, is who are the people responding favorably to these creatures which brings them back again and again? Blind people? People in comas? Babies? Last but not least, the thing to make me go ugh, or hate, or just generally despise is Hootie himself, Darius I'm-not-nice-to-my-fans Rucker. I realize I told you I was going to tell you the entire story from last week, but suffice it to say that he's a tool who shouldn't be famous. Radio stations across the country are picking up the story and saying it's OK for him to have yelled at me to "get a life" because I told him he sucked. Hmmm. While it's true I told him he sucked, I'm not in the habit of telling random people they suck (to their face, at least) and only did so after a long day of waiting for his rude, ingrateful self. I've been a Darius fan a long, long time - even going to Park City in the early nineties for a Hootie and the Blowfish show - and to be told that he has things to do aside from taking ONE picture with a fan who'd been waiting there for hours was more than I could take. Most celebrities, while promoting their music or movies or whatever, come over to the fans either on the way in or on the way out of the talk show. Really cool people like Colin Farrell come over when they arrive AND when they leave (and, for the record, Colin Farrell is 1,000 times more famous than Hootie. I'm just saying). Darius, as he told us, was "working" and couldn't be bothered. Not when he arrived, not before or after sound check, not for the hour he sat waiting backstage, and not when he left. He doesn't deserve my support, nor will he have it ever again. He's a world of ugh.

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