Saturday, December 4, 2010

Pinky's Fandance - Jesse Kovacs

Yesterday I was at a mall when Jesse Kovacs from The Bachelorette and Bachelor Pad walked by. At first, I did a little double take as though he was an old friend of mine, but I couldn't quite place him.

Of course, as soon as he passed me it hit me that he'd been on one of my cheesy daring shows, but I feared I missed my chance as he'd long passed me by the time I put it together.

Typically I like to have an assurance that someone is a celeb before I ask for a picture, but in this case I was only about 95% sure. I had to walk quickly to catch up to him, but once I did I asked if he'd been on The Bachelorette. Obviously, he was! Both he and his girlfriend (?) were super nice and he loved my name (then again, who doesn't?). Stoked!

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