Saturday, December 18, 2010

Pinky's Fandance - Faith Hill & Tim McGraw

OK, here's what happened - I went to my very first Star Ceremony the other day to see Gwyneth Paltrow receive her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

It was super cool to see, especially being my first one. As I already have a picture with Gwyneth, it was much less pressure overall and I could focus on any celeb friends who happened to come.

The first friend I saw was Faith Hill - I've loved her music for a long time and have always wanted to meet her. In person I found her less-than-jovial, but at least she did it, right?

The next friend was Tim McGraw, but my stupid camera didn't snap when we took the picture, so I have to resort to showing you this pathetic attempt at a picture. Apparently I just so happened to be in the background of my friend's picture. So sad! I guess it's better than nothing, right? I did get one more picture at the ceremony, but we'll visit that on another day.

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