Friday, December 3, 2010

Major FAIL: Darius Rucker

I'm blogging from my phone, so it's hard to write too much, but suffice it to say that Darius Rucker (aka Hottie from the Blowfish fame) SUCKS. Oh, and I *may* have told him so...Look at his face - he hates me!

The ONLY reason he came over to the barricade at all was because I yelled he sucked. Then he said he'd do autographs and pictures for everyone BUT me. Wow. Really? Mature. Apparently he couldn't do them when he arrived because (his words), "He was working." I'm not sure why he couldn't do a picture after soundcheck (as I was the ONLY one requesting one), but when he did FINALLY come over after I yelled that he sucked, he said he had things to do and I should, "get a life." Hmmm. I don't remember asking him for a kidney or a month of his time - just one measly picture. Sorry to hear his fans (please note I'm now an EX fan) are such an inconvenience to him. More on this engaging tale (complete with video!) later, but for now just know that Hootie DOES NOT wanna be with me or hold my hand - he sucks. Period.

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