Tuesday, December 14, 2010

How Do You Spell Success? O-W-E-N

At long last! Owen Wilson! That's right - one of my dreams has come true...not only did I get to see Owen in person, but I got a picture with him, as well.

Owen was one of the last remaining members (aside from Benicio del Toro) of Pinky's Top Ten list that I wanted a picture with. At the premiere of HowDo You Know, I finally got my chance.

In case that wasn't enough, I also lucked out with a ticket to the actual screening. I'd been wanting to see the movie anyway, so I was stoked. As for a review...well, let's just say I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth. The movie was free, Owen Wilson was in it, and they gave out free popcorn and soda. Score!

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