Thursday, December 9, 2010

Celebrity Wrap Up - Saturday Edition

Hello and welcome to Saturday's Hot Guy Edition of Celebrity Wrap Up. You're welcome. Oh, Ben. Now, why couldn't you have had that luxurious hair when we met? Why did you have to have that crew cut? Someday, I'll meet you on the perfect day and all will be right with the world.
Colin. You are so lovely. Truly, you are. Not only are you smoking to look at, but you're as kind as kind can be, which gets extra special bonus points. David, the fact that you're so involved with your children is the ultimate turn-on for me. I love seeing you out riding and having fun with them. Swoon. Now, James, I could do without the porn 'stache - seriously, I think we all could - but you're still hot, so I'll give it a pass. For now. Still, let's work on shaving it, m'kay?
Johnny, sweet Johnny, you're the only one on this list of hottie pa-totties whom I haven't yet met. Sigh. Let's rectify that soon, OK? All my love, Pinky Lovejoy

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