Saturday, November 6, 2010

You Always Remember Your First Boa

So, during one of the movies they showed this amazing steak dinner. As my friend and I were starving after the screening, we decided to try and find some yummy steak. As it was pretty late, our options were limited...until we saw the Boa Steakhouse still serving.

For those of you that don't know, Boa is a top notch restaurant celebs flock to in the droves. I thought I might have to promise my firstborn child in order to dine there, but luckily that wasn't the case. It was so much fun - they actually make your salad dressing at your table as you instruct them how to make it! So cool to experience it (even though I was afraid we'd be asked to leave at any time because we weren't fancy enough). Yum!

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