Monday, November 22, 2010

The Social Network - SCORE!!!

Last night there was a Q&A for "The Social Network" at my new favorite theater and on my way back from Bakersfield, I thought I'd stop by for a minute and see if I might catch the guests (Aaron Sorkin, Andrew Garfield, and Armie Hammer were scheduled) on their way in.

The first one to arrive was Aaron Sorkin - the genius behind "Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip" among a million other things. He's brilliant - I was stoked to see him.

The next one was Andrew Garfield, who's also been cast to be the new Spiderman. He's adorable in person - British accent and all.

From a distance, I actually thought this was Armie Hammer, because Justin wasn't scheduled to appear. But the hat and glasses were throwing me off, as Armie isn't known for wearing glasses. I could not believe it was Justin (or that he did it!). I was completely giddy afterwards.

Armie Hammer. Swoon! Amazingly nice - asked for my name, had a conversation with me, and I even got to meet his (lucky and gorgeous wife). Love him!

The theater posted this cool group shot from the Q&A.

In case you were wondering about Jesse Eisenberg, he wasn't there, but I already have him. :)

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