Friday, November 12, 2010

Prime Time

So, once in awhile I start thinking that I'm wasting my life and need to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. The truth of the matter is that I've got so many ideas in my head that sometimes I think my head might explode. I suppose the challenge is to widdle down my ideas and figure out how to get paid to do what I love, right?

I mean, let's face it - I had a steady, set job at a company I enjoyed for years and years and I suppose I could've stayed there forever and been fine. Not happy necessarily, but fine enough. Yawn. That's also how I described my marriage when I decided to get divorced. It was OK, but yawn. Who wants that? So, my days are a little unstable and I'm still looking for the perfect pairing. I'll get there soon. I can feel it. For now, I need to appreciate and enjoy the journey - because at this time last year (and the year before that and the year before that...) I was at a job I hated and just going through the motions. Now I'm chasing my dreams. How many people can really say that, right?

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