Sunday, November 14, 2010

Pinky's Fandance - Kathleen Robertson

Lest you think that my only celebrity sightings are in the heart of Tinsel Town, think again. Today at Magic Mountain I had a grand spot with Kathleen Robertson who played Claire on the original Beverly Hills 90210. How cool is that? She was there with her cute little family and I spotted her walking by. I asked Erin (who's a certified 90210 expert) and she agreed it was her 100%. Kathleen was super nice and I'm so glad I finally "got" her. Years ago she sat near me at Sundance, but I only took a picture of her, not with her. Considering it's only fitting me for me to go ahead and try to get the entire cast of 90210, I thought I'd better get busy. Hooray for random spots!

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