Saturday, November 20, 2010

Pinky's Fandance - Luke Perry

Once upon a time I met Luke Perry at Disneyland. The year was 1991 and he was there with the entire cast of "Beverly Hills 90210." Although the rest of the cast was briskly walking to their destination, he hung back and talked with a dorky fan who didn't even know his real name. Yep, I was so bad at this whole scene, I only knew him as Dylan McKay. After our conversation, I didn't want to bother him for an autograph or a picture. Um, what? Yeah, you better believe I've been regretting it ever since.

Flash forward to last night when I saw him walk by me with his kids on his way to his car. While I didn't want to pester him with his kids, I waited for them to get into the car (a mini-van!) and then I proceeded to completely and totally geek out. I mean, it made my Tim Daly freak out look tame. I *may* have cried. Look at my face - I can't even play it off. I'm wigging. He was unbelievable. He even apologized for not looking better - are you kidding me? It's Luke Perry. He could wear a garbage sack and be hot (or just nothing at all would be fine, too). He double checked that the the picture turned out OK. He's SO sweet!!! Swoon.

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