Saturday, November 20, 2010

Nice Guy of the Day: Tim Daly

Today we give a nice big shout out to our Nice Guy of the Day Tim Daly for not only being even cuter in person that I'd ever imagined, but for not running away screaming when my unable-to-stop-talking mouth blathered on and on and on and on (times infinity). I'm fairly certain the phrase, "Every event you go to, I go" came out of my mouth at one point, thereby making myself out to be a total and complete stalker (when in reality I've only been to one other event he was scheduled to attend - otherwise I've just wanted to meet him forever). Tim was really kind and seemed amused by the whole thing (he didn't even flinch once by my constant blabbering). I've been crushing on him long before Private Practice and even before Wings - back when he was on this great little show called Almost Grown in 1988. It was amazing, but it only aired 13 episodes. Typical. I didn't realize it was possible for me to crush on him even harder than I did before, but surprise....completely possible. Tim Daly is aces in my book.

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