Monday, November 22, 2010

Love Me Tenders

While it's true I've rarely met a piece of steak I didn't like, I'm afraid the same cannot be said of chicken. Don't get me wrong, I think chicken is totally fine and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it - I just don't feel the need to eat it all day every day. If I'm at a fast food place, I'll usually order just about anything other than chicken - especially if it's breaded. Teriyaki chicken, yes. Chicken nuggets, almost always no.

That is, until now. Enter Carl's Jr. with their delectable breaded chicken strips/tenders - they are seriously out of this world. Apparently the trick is that they don't bread them until you order them, but how do they get the meat so juicy and delicious? If you get a chance and you eat meat, I highly recommend them. Yum!

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